At BlockchainInsider, we are deeply committed to providing our readers with the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and insightful blockchain news and analysis. Our mission is to empower you with information that not only informs but also enlightens you on the rapidly evolving blockchain landscape. As an independent platform, we rely on the support of our readers to maintain and grow our operations.

Operating a specialized news website like ours incurs various costs. From maintaining robust server capabilities to ensure smooth, uninterrupted access to our content, to subscribing to premium sources that allow us to bring you exclusive insights, and navigating the complex legal landscape of blockchain reporting—we face a myriad of operational challenges.

Your donations help us cover these essential costs and continue to deliver content that meets the high standards you’ve come to expect from us. Below, we detail our ongoing expenses to give you a clearer picture of how your support contributes directly to our work.

Our Infrastructure

Our Ongoing Costs

  • Hostinger Server Hosting: $64.99 monthly
    • Ensures our website remains fast and accessible to our readers at all times.
  • Cloudflare CDN: $25 monthly
    • Helps in delivering content efficiently worldwide, improving site load times and security.
  • X (Formerly Twitter): $11 monthly
    • Supports our social media outreach, allowing us to engage with our community and share the latest updates.
  • Legal Content: $8 monthly
    • Covers costs associated with ensuring our content complies with legal standards, including copyright and data protection laws.
  • Plugins and Image CDN: $15 monthly
    • Enhances website functionality and ensures images are delivered quickly to users, contributing to a better reading experience.

Support Us With Crypto

Your support makes a huge difference in our ability to bring you the quality content you value. If you believe in our mission and want to contribute to our growth, you can donate using the following cryptocurrency addresses. Every bit helps, and we are grateful for your generosity.

Your donations are instrumental in helping us navigate the challenges of running a specialized news platform and ensuring that we continue to serve as a valuable resource for the blockchain community. Thank you for your support and for believing in our mission.

Donation Receipts for Tax Write-Offs

If you require a donation receipt for tax write-off purposes, we are happy to accommodate your request. It is important to us that you have all the necessary documentation to benefit from your generous support. Please get in touch with us before making your donation to ensure we can provide you with a receipt that meets your needs.